• Three essential moveable chord shapes

    These minimalist chord shapes form the basis of almost all moveable chords. They can be played as-is or embellished into other chord shapes.

    Three fundamental shapes with roots on three different strings are applied to the three most common chord types (major, minor, and 7). Originally derived on ukulele, but useful on guitar as well.

  • Position playing on ukulele

    Here’s my approach to “position playing” on the ukulele, by which I mean the ability to play every note and every chord in a given key while keeping the fretting hand in a fixed location over the fretboard.

  • First post

    This is a new site for sharing any useful things I come up with as I study ukulele, guitar, and music theory. There’s not much to see here yet. So far the site is mostly just a placeholder for a javascript app I wrote to explore some useful positions on the ukulele fretboard. Check it out.